Finance and wealth management services
Helping to address your financial challenges and secure your financial future

Our Services

Our Points of Difference

At VSOPP Financial, our value proposition is best explained by our points of difference from many finance broking and financial planning businesses.

Multi-disciplinary approach

Our advice is developed using the technical skills and experience of professionals with banking and finance, tax and accounting and financial services.

This means our clients are provided with advice, recommendations and solutions which are comprehensive in terms of managing the different aspects of their commercial circumstances.

Objectivity and Independence

We are not owned by, employed by or remunerated by a particular credit or financial services provider. Our fees are substantially based on service. Commissions are broadly consistent across our lenders, between insurers and other types of financial services providers.

This means that our advice and recommendations focus on what we believe is best for you without real or perceived possible bias. We have no real or apparent self-interest.

Flexibility and Range

Whether restricted by their licencees or by their particular skills and experience, advice and recommendations are often substantially limited by what representatives are authorised to advise on and the “approved product list” to which a representative is constrained.

This means that with broad authorisations and approved product lists, we can consider many potential strategies and multiple credit and financial service providers. We believe that superior net outcomes can be achieved by pursing the best possible strategies, providers and managing costs (not by trying to outperform markets).  

Personalised low cost service

Our business model is not volume based - we accept discrete appointments for selected clientele only.  Neither does our business model require high margins because of our low flat operating cost structure. Our professionals are our business owners.

This means we have the capacity and capability to obtain and retain detailed knowledge about your financial affairs and regularly communicate with you about them.

Our Services

Savings and Debt Management

Income expenditure budgeting

Deb structuring and consolidation

Remuneration structuring and packaging

Cash flow management

Financial Growth and Investment

Personal wealth planning

Personal wealth strategies

Investment portfolio reviews

Investment and asset allocations

Consumer finance

Home loans

Residential investment loans

Other investment loans

Equipment finance

Motor vehicle finance


Commercial finance

Business loans

Equipment finance

Trade finance

Debtor finance

Financial protection

Insurance needs analysis

Insurance reviews

Asset protection

Estate planning

Retirement planning

Retirement gap analysis

Retirement strategies

Superannuation fund reviews

Self-managed superannuation funds

Investment and asset allocations

Property finance

Property development and construction

Business acquisitions and disposals

Recovery, turnarounds and business improvement

Advisory services*

Business and personal debt tax structuring

Self managed superannuation fund structuring 

Incorporations, trust deeds and estate planning documentation

*Associated and Affiliated Entities

Advisory Services are not provided directly by VSOPP Financial Pty Ltd. Such services are provided by an associated organisation Madison Partners, a CPA firm. Certain Directors of VSOPP Financial Pty Ltd are also Directors of Madison Partners.